Happy Birthday Komerican Pie!!! 💜🎉✨😍

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Woooooooooot! 100% commenting as my college party-girl self… 🎉 Amy Sherald is a vibe: We’re here, we’re ourselves, and yes to truth! Happy Birthday, KP. As odd, uncomfortable, and subsequently beautiful as life is, vibe on. Change… truths… realizations..? Live for that. Dare to live woven into the nuanced fabric of existence. What a joy to know that we seek to find each other when we are happy, or sad, or searching… confused… learning… joyous… May we all continue to surf the adjectives to complete the narratives. Accept what we see and grow…

Love. So much love,


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Thanks for sharing the vibe with me + KP! We are all the things. Particularly the good stuff!

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Woooooooooot! 100% commenting as my college party-girl self… 🎉 Amy Sherald is a vibe: We’re here, we’re ourselves, and yes to truth! Happy Birthday, KP. As odd, uncomfortable, and subsequently beautiful as life is, vibe on. Change… truths… realizations..? Live for that. Dare to live woven into the nuanced fabric of existence. What a joy to know that we seek to find each other when we are happy, or sad, or searching… confused… learning… joyous… May we all continue to surf the adjectives to complete the narratives. Accept what we see and grow…

Love. So much love,


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I LOVE it!! And the hanbok in water color is SO sweet! Happy 1st Birthday, KP! Looking forward to all of the milestones ahead.

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Can't wait for your Lost In Translation feature!

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